12 Step Spirituality is offering $300 scholarships for members who request it to support going on centering prayer retreats.
We will be awarding up to a total of 10 scholarships between now and December 31, 2025.
Each applicant is required to send a digital copy of the receipt for a conference or retreat registration (use the "Upload Registration Receipt" box, below). Centering Prayer and/or Welcoming Prayer must be a core part of the retreat.
Each applicant is required to have attended at least three 12-Step Spirituality meetings with us (in person or online).
Each applicant needs to fill out the form below which provides all the information we need to decide on the scholarship, including details of the retreat.
Upon receipt, we will review your application, and if you meet our guidelines, we'll provide $300 for you to help defray registration and travel expenses.
Questions? Send an email to Joni McD.
With love and great gratitude for our faithful community.
~12 Step Spirituality