Step Six follows Steps One through Five.
I know I’m stating the obvious. But without my fully accepting that I’m defeated (Step One), without recognizing a source of hope (Step Two), without making a decision to cooperate with that source (Step Three), without taking a detached and honest inventory (Step Four), without coming out of hiding and shedding daylight on my defects (Step Five), I am not entirely ready. Without first taking a deliberate and unavoidably painful look within, I will remain attached to how I’ve learned to “get by.” I’ll talk about this vital sequence and what it means to me on Saturday. Join me. ~Jay McG.
“Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.”
Are you kidding? For most of my life, humility meant humiliation, and I’ve known plenty of that. But in the last couple years I've been working on a new path to humility. For the first time, I feel I really can “humbly ask him.” Join us on Saturday. I’d like to share my discoveries with you. ~Dick Y. |
March 2021