On Saturday, January 13, I will speak on Step 5 and the exact nature of my wrongs.
My selfishness and self-centeredness afflicted me with a form of blindness. This blindness caused much of my world and the people in it to be invisible to me. The Twelve and Twelve reminds us that: “Most of us must admit that we have loved but a few; that we have been quite indifferent to the many…” I am guilty of this indifference. Saturday I will share examples of this blindness/indifference and how it still plays out in my life. ~Glenn K.
I can’t sum up the subject of my talk on Saturday, October 14 any better than the Big Book does, on page 58:
"If you have decided you want what we have—and are willing to go to any length to get it—then you are ready to take certain steps." Hope to see you at our workshop. ~Glenn K. The Big Book tells us that with Step 10 “we have entered the world of the Spirit,” and “Every day is a day when we must carry the vision of God’s will into all of our activities.” For me, this translates into maintaining constructive relationships with the world around me.
But who or what are my “stakeholders” and how do I attempt to maintain these relationships? I’ll reflect on these and other issues on April 8. Join us at Colonial Church. ~Glenn K. Thomas Keating talks about how God speaks to us through people, events, and experiences.
I’m a data-oriented person who worked in engineering for 40 years, running tests and collecting data. In my everyday life, too, I needed evidence before making decisions. In the early days of my recovery, I found it easy to say that I was turning my life and will over to a Higher Power whose existence I had no evidence for, but as time passed, I found it harder and harder to internalize this resolution and manifest it in my daily life. During those years, though, God was speaking to me through people, events, and personal experiences; I just didn’t realize it. There came a point when, prompted by meditation, I began looking back and reflecting on those “God moments.” It became obvious to me that a very patient and understanding God had been nudging me along, while keeping me sober, until I was ready for a true Third Step decision — which came easily. On December 10, I’ll be sharing some of those moments and how they enabled me to come to that decision. ~Glenn K. |
March 2021