In sharing about my experience with the Sixth Step on February 10, I will be digging a little deeper into what it might mean to be “entirely ready.”
In the past, I’ve moved briskly through this Step without ever considering this pivotal question. I’ve more or less hidden its significance from myself. But I have since dis-covered (hyphen intended) that there is real work to be done in Step Six! I hope to see you at the workshop. ~Jay M.
Step 7 says: Humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings. In past years, I have approached this step thinking that my defects of character were my shortcomings. However, as I continue the practice of Centering Prayer, a subtle shift has taken place, helping me to see that the shortcomings that show up in my behavior originate from my beliefs and my thinking about myself.
Centering Prayer is gradually revealing how I think about myself--with some surprising effects. At our workshop on February 10, I will talk about what I’m discovering, and how that impacts everything in my life, but especially my journey of recovery. Join me! ~Julie G. |
March 2021