I’m an adult child of a dysfunctional (workaholic) family, and I think and speak about my recovery in those terms. On Saturday, March 9, I’ll look at how the 12 Steps brought me to an understanding of “all the people I had harmed.” Then I’ll share how I understand direct amends, and how I make them today, with help from my practice of Centering Prayer.
~Mary L.
Yes, we’re basically a Centering Prayer workshop, but in the spirit of all of our 12-step programs, we’re open to whatever conception of a Higher Power our attendees may hold, and whatever means they have of staying in conscious contact with that Power.
For a number of years now, I have found that a form of prayer-and-meditation rooted in the Hindu tradition has helped me stay in contact with the God of my understanding. I’ll describe that method, talk a little bit about how it has helped me, and share inspiring quotes from some 20th-century saints from India. What I won’t do is claim that this way is “better,” and I certainly won’t try to say anything definitive about Hinduism—a galaxy of beliefs so rich and complex that no one could do it justice in a lifetime. Join me on Saturday, March 9! ~Jon S. |
March 2021